Fluent Reader

Find out if your child is reading fluently

Is your child a fluent reader? Reading is more than just being able understand words. WISD would like our students to read with fluency, because fluency helps with comprehension.
A fluent reader is someone who recognizes the words they are reading, reads with expression and can group words together quickly to help them gain meaning from what they are reading.
Watch the following videos for an example of a fluent reader, in each elementary grade.
If your child doesn’t sound like a fluent reader please see the students teacher for more information on how they can become a fluent reader.

1st grade Fluent Reader Santino Posada Sam Houston

2nd Grade Cameron Hernandez Margo Elementary

3rd Norberto Garcia Sam Houston

4th grade Devyn Hernandez Margo

5th grade Sara Martinez Cleckler Heald