Special Education


Special Education refers to a range of educational and social services provided by Weslaco Independent School District to individuals with disabilities who are between 3 and 21 years of age.

The Weslaco Independent School District's Office of Special Education Services is located at the Roosevelt Complex:

 814 E. Plaza Street
 Weslaco, Texas 78596
           (956) 969 - 6822


Special Education is a Service, not a Place.



Sensory Room



The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education process, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families. 

Contact Information: 
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Email: inquire@spedtex.org
Live Chat: www.spedtex.org

Child Find

Child Find Announcement

Do you know a child ages 0-21 years of age who shows signs of developmental delay, ongoing learning problems, behavioral or medical problems that interfere with their learning? Do you suspect a disability? To make a referral for a Weslaco child please call the Special Education Department at (956) 969-6822.

Anuncio de Child Find

¿Conoce usted a algún niño/a entre 0 y 21 años de edad con retraso en su desarrollo y/ó problemas de comportamiento que interfieren con su aprendizaje? ¿Sospecha usted de alguna incapacidad? Para referir un niño/a que vive en la cuidad de Weslaco, póngase en contacto con el Departamento de Educación Especial al 956-969-6822.


Neil Garza

Special Education Director
(956) 969-6822
Email Mr. Garza


Jennifer Cárdenas

Special Education 
Services Manager
(956) 969-6822
Extension: 30501
Email Ms. Cárdenas


Angie Ramos

Administrative Assistant
(956) 969-6822
Email Ms. Ramos 


Orfelinda Tamez

(956) 969-6822
Email Ms. Tamez

Norma Lara

SEMS Clerk (Records)
(956) 969-6822
Email Ms. Lara

Araceli Rodriguez

(956) 969-6822
Email Ms. Rodriguez